1 in the presence of
(while (someone) is present: This document must be signed in the presence of a witness; Don't talk about it in my mother's presence.) in presenza di -
2 ♦ presence
♦ presence /ˈprɛzns/n.1 [u] presenza; aspetto; aria; portamento: to be admitted to the presence of sb., essere ammesso alla presenza di q.; in the presence of, alla presenza di; al cospetto di; a man of heavy presence, un uomo dall'aspetto pesante; a commanding presence, un aspetto imponente; He has great presence, ha una presenza che si impone3 strana presenza; spirito; entità● (stor.) the presence, la presenza del sovrano □ presence chamber, sala delle udienze □ ( negli inviti) Your presence is requested, la Signoria Vostra è invitata a intervenire. -
3 presence
['prezns]in the presence of sb. — in o alla presenza di qcn.
••* * *['prezns]1) (the state, or fact, of being present: The committee requests your presence at Thursday's meeting.) presenza2) (a striking, impressive manner or appearance: The headmistress certainly has presence.) presenza•- presence of mind* * *['prezns]in the presence of sb. — in o alla presenza di qcn.
•• -
4 presence **** pres·ence n
['prɛzns]in the presence of — in presenza di, davanti a
5 presence of mind
* * *(calmness and the ability to act sensibly (in an emergency etc): He showed great presence of mind in the face of danger.) presenza di spirito* * *n* * * -
6 before
I [bɪ'fɔː(r)]1) (earlier than) prima (di)2) (in order, sequence, priority) prima di, davanti afor him, work comes before everything else — per lui il lavoro viene prima di tutto
3) (this side of) prima di5) (in front of) davanti a6) (in the presence of) davanti a, dinanzi a7) (confronting) di fronte aII [bɪ'fɔː(r)]III [bɪ'fɔː(r)] IV [bɪ'fɔː(r)]the day, the year before — il giorno, l'anno prima
1) (in time)before I go, I would like to say that — prima di andare, vorrei dire che
before he goes, I must remind him that — prima che vada, devo ricordargli che
it was some time before he was able to walk again — ci volle un po' di tempo prima che riuscisse di nuovo a camminare
oh, before I forget... — ah, prima che mi dimentichi
2) (rather than) piuttosto che3) (or else)4) (as necessary condition) perché, affinchéyou have to show your ticket before they'll let you in — devi mostrare il biglietto perché ti facciano entrare
••before you know where you are — in quattro e quattr'otto, in men che non si dica
* * *[bi'fo:] 1. preposition1) (earlier than: before the war; He'll come before very long.) prima, davanti2) (in front of: She was before me in the queue.) davanti3) (rather than: Honour before wealth.) prima di2. adverb(earlier: I've seen you before.) prima, già3. conjunction(earlier than the time when: Before I go, I must phone my parents.) prima di* * *I [bɪ'fɔː(r)]1) (earlier than) prima (di)2) (in order, sequence, priority) prima di, davanti afor him, work comes before everything else — per lui il lavoro viene prima di tutto
3) (this side of) prima di5) (in front of) davanti a6) (in the presence of) davanti a, dinanzi a7) (confronting) di fronte aII [bɪ'fɔː(r)]III [bɪ'fɔː(r)] IV [bɪ'fɔː(r)]the day, the year before — il giorno, l'anno prima
1) (in time)before I go, I would like to say that — prima di andare, vorrei dire che
before he goes, I must remind him that — prima che vada, devo ricordargli che
it was some time before he was able to walk again — ci volle un po' di tempo prima che riuscisse di nuovo a camminare
oh, before I forget... — ah, prima che mi dimentichi
2) (rather than) piuttosto che3) (or else)4) (as necessary condition) perché, affinchéyou have to show your ticket before they'll let you in — devi mostrare il biglietto perché ti facciano entrare
••before you know where you are — in quattro e quattr'otto, in men che non si dica
7 with
[wɪð, wɪθ]a child with blue eyes — un bambino con gli o dagli occhi blu
2) (indicating an agent) conto hit sb. with sth. — colpire qcn. con qcs.
3) (indicating manner, attitude)with pleasure, care — con piacere, cura
"OK," he said with a sigh — "va bene," disse con un sospiro
5) (accompanied by, in the presence of) conto live with sb. — vivere con qcn.
a meeting with sb. — un incontro con qcn.
6) (owning, bringing)7) (in relation to, as regards)what's up with Amy? what's with Amy? AE che succede a o che ha Amy? what do you want with another car? cosa te ne fai di o a che ti serve un'altra auto? it's a habit with her — è una sua abitudine
I'm with you 100% o all the way — sono con te al cento per cento
9) (because of)10) (remaining)with only two days to go before... — a soli due giorni da
11) (suffering from)12) (against) con, controto be in competition with sb. — essere in competizione con qcn
with that, he left — al che, se ne andò
14) (employed by)to sail with the wind — navigare sopravento o secondo il vento
••to be with it — colloq. (on the ball) essere in gamba; (trendy) essere all'ultima moda
I'm not really with it today — colloq. oggi non ci sto con la testa
get with it! — colloq. (wake up) muoviti! datti una mossa! (face the facts) affronta la realtà!
I'm not with you, can you repeat? — non ti seguo, puoi ripetere?
* * *[wið]1) (in the company of; beside; among; including: I was walking with my father; Do they enjoy playing with each other?; He used to play football with the Arsenal team; Put this book with the others.) con2) (by means of; using: Mend it with this glue; Cut it with a knife.) con3) (used in expressing the idea of filling, covering etc: Fill this jug with milk; He was covered with mud.) con; di4) (used in describing conflict: They quarrelled with each other; He fought with my brother.) con5) (used in descriptions of things: a man with a limp; a girl with long hair; a stick with a handle; Treat this book with care.) con6) (as the result of: He is shaking with fear.) di7) (in the care of: Leave your case with the porter.) a8) (in relation to; in the case of; concerning: Be careful with that!; What's wrong with you?; What shall I do with these books?) con9) (used in expressing a wish: Down with fascism!; Up with Manchester United!) a* * *[wɪð, wɪθ]a child with blue eyes — un bambino con gli o dagli occhi blu
2) (indicating an agent) conto hit sb. with sth. — colpire qcn. con qcs.
3) (indicating manner, attitude)with pleasure, care — con piacere, cura
"OK," he said with a sigh — "va bene," disse con un sospiro
5) (accompanied by, in the presence of) conto live with sb. — vivere con qcn.
a meeting with sb. — un incontro con qcn.
6) (owning, bringing)7) (in relation to, as regards)what's up with Amy? what's with Amy? AE che succede a o che ha Amy? what do you want with another car? cosa te ne fai di o a che ti serve un'altra auto? it's a habit with her — è una sua abitudine
I'm with you 100% o all the way — sono con te al cento per cento
9) (because of)10) (remaining)with only two days to go before... — a soli due giorni da
11) (suffering from)12) (against) con, controto be in competition with sb. — essere in competizione con qcn
with that, he left — al che, se ne andò
14) (employed by)to sail with the wind — navigare sopravento o secondo il vento
••to be with it — colloq. (on the ball) essere in gamba; (trendy) essere all'ultima moda
I'm not really with it today — colloq. oggi non ci sto con la testa
get with it! — colloq. (wake up) muoviti! datti una mossa! (face the facts) affronta la realtà!
I'm not with you, can you repeat? — non ti seguo, puoi ripetere?
8 grace
I [greɪs]His, Your Grace — Sua, Vostra Grazia; (of duchess)
II [greɪs]Her, Your Grace — Sua, Vostra Grazia
nome proprio Grazia* * *[ɡreis] 1. noun1) (beauty of form or movement: The dancer's movements had very little grace.) grazia2) (a sense of what is right: At least he had the grace to leave after his dreadful behaviour.) cortesia3) (a short prayer of thanks for a meal.) benedicite, preghiera di ringraziamento4) (a delay allowed as a favour: You should have paid me today but I'll give you a day's grace.) dilazione5) (the title of a duke, duchess or archbishop: Your/His Grace.) Grazia6) (mercy: by the grace of God.) grazia•- graceful- gracefully
- gracefulness
- gracious 2. interjection(an exclamation of surprise.) Dio mio!- graciousness
- with a good/bad grace
- with good/bad grace* * *[ɡreɪs]1. nthe Graces — (Myth) le (tre) Grazie
he had the grace to apologise — ha avuto il buon gusto di scusarsi, per lo meno si è scusato
to do sth with good/bad grace — fare qc volentieri/malvolentieri
three days' grace — tre giorni di proroga, una dilazione f di tre giorni
to say grace — dire una preghiera, (prima del pasto)
His Grace — (duke, archbishop) Sua Eccellenza
2. vt* * *grace /greɪs/n.1 [u] grazia; garbo; leggiadria; buona grazia; benevolenza; cortesia; favore: She walks with such grace!, ella si muove con tale grazia!; to have the grace to do [to say] st., avere la buona grazia di fare [di dire] qc.; with (a) bad grace, di malagrazia; sgarbatamente; malvolentieri; with (a) good grace, con garbo; amabilmente; volentieri; effortless grace, grazia spontanea3 [uc] breve preghiera di ringraziamento; grazie: to say grace before a meal, rendere grazie al Signore prima di un pasto5 [u] (comm.) respiro; rispetto; tolleranza; dilazione: days of grace, giorni di tolleranza ( per fare un pagamento); to give a day's [a year's] grace, concedere una dilazione d'un giorno [d'un anno]7 (leg., stor.) clemenza; grazia: act of grace, atto di clemenza ( di un sovrano, ecc.); ( un tempo) amnistia ( ora amnesty)8 [u] – Grace, Grazia ( titolo onorifico di duchi e arcivescovi): Your Grace!, Vostra Grazia!; His Grace the Duke of York, Sua Grazia il duca di York● (in GB) a grace-and-favour house, una casa concessa in vitalizio dal sovrano □ grace cup, bicchiere della staffa; (bicchiere del) brindisi alla fine d'un banchetto □ grace period, (ass., fin.) periodo di tolleranza; (leg., anche period of grace) periodo di grazia, proroga □ by the grace of God, per grazia di Dio □ to fall from grace, cadere in disgrazia; (relig.) perdere la grazia divina; cadere nel peccato; peccare □ to be in sb.'s bad [good] graces, essere malvisto da q. [essere nelle grazie di q.] □ in the year of grace 1917, nell'anno di grazia 1917.(to) grace /greɪs/v. t.1 abbellire; ornare; ingentilire3 (mus.) abbellire; ornare● The banquet was graced by the presence of the mayor, il sindaco si è degnato di partecipare al banchetto.* * *I [greɪs]His, Your Grace — Sua, Vostra Grazia; (of duchess)
II [greɪs]Her, Your Grace — Sua, Vostra Grazia
nome proprio Grazia -
9 before ***** be·fore
[bɪ'fɔː(r)]1. prepthe day before last or yesterday — due giorni fa, l'altro ieri, ieri l'altro
before long — fra poco, fra non molto
2) (in place, rank, in the presence of) davanti ato appear before a judge — comparire davanti or dinanzi a un giudice
ladies before gentlemen — prima le signore, la precedenza alle signore
2. advthe day before — il giorno prima or precedente
I knew long before that... — sapevo da molto tempo che...
3. conjbefore doing it you...; before you do it, you... — prima di farlo, tu..., prima che tu lo faccia, tu...
10 shy
I [ʃaɪ]2) (afraid)3) (avoid)II [ʃaɪ]- shy away* * *1. comparative - shyer; adjective1) (lacking confidence in the presence of others, especially strangers; not wanting to attract attention: She is too shy to go to parties.) timido2) (drawing back from (an action, person etc): She is shy of strangers.) timoroso3) ((of a wild animal) easily frightened; timid: Deer are very shy animals.) diffidente, guardingo2. verb((of a horse) to jump or turn suddenly aside in fear: The horse shied at the strangers.) (fare uno scarto)- shyly- shyness* * *[ʃaɪ]timido (-a), (unsociable) schivo (-a)don't be shy of asking for... — non esitare a chiedere...
2. vi(horse) to shy (at) — fare uno scarto (davanti a)
3. vt old(throw) scagliare* * *I [ʃaɪ]2) (afraid)3) (avoid)II [ʃaɪ]- shy away -
11 ♦ (to) detect
♦ (to) detect /dɪˈtɛkt/v. i.1 rilevare, individuare: Astronomers have detected the presence of water on Mars, gli astronomi hanno rilevato la presenza di acqua su Marte; These cameras can detect the smallest movement even in the dark, queste videocamere possono rilevare il più piccolo movimento anche al buio; a test for detecting tumors in the very early stages, un esame per individuare i tumori ai primissimi stadi; to detect a virus on a computer, individuare un virus in un computer; to detect a disease early, scoprire una malattia nelle prime fasi; prendere una malattia per tempo2 notare; osservare: I detected a note of sarcasm in his voice, ho notato una nota di sarcasmo nella sua voce; She thought she detected a change in his manner, pensava di aver osservato un cambiamento nel suo modo di faredetectablea.rilevabile. -
12 ♦ (to) detect
♦ (to) detect /dɪˈtɛkt/v. i.1 rilevare, individuare: Astronomers have detected the presence of water on Mars, gli astronomi hanno rilevato la presenza di acqua su Marte; These cameras can detect the smallest movement even in the dark, queste videocamere possono rilevare il più piccolo movimento anche al buio; a test for detecting tumors in the very early stages, un esame per individuare i tumori ai primissimi stadi; to detect a virus on a computer, individuare un virus in un computer; to detect a disease early, scoprire una malattia nelle prime fasi; prendere una malattia per tempo2 notare; osservare: I detected a note of sarcasm in his voice, ho notato una nota di sarcasmo nella sua voce; She thought she detected a change in his manner, pensava di aver osservato un cambiamento nel suo modo di faredetectablea.rilevabile. -
13 divining
14 spooky
15 self-conscious
[ˌself'kɒnʃəs]1) (shy) imbarazzato, timido2) (deliberate) [style, artistry] cosciente3) (aware) autocosciente* * *[self'konʃəs](too easily becoming shy or embarrassed when in the presence of others: She'll never be a good teacher - she's too self-conscious.) imbarazzato; timido- self-consciousness* * *[ˌself'kɒnʃəs]1) (shy) imbarazzato, timido2) (deliberate) [style, artistry] cosciente3) (aware) autocosciente -
16 commanding
[kə'mɑːndɪŋ] [AE -'mæn-]1) (authoritative) [look, manner, voice] imperioso, autoritario; [ presence] imponente2) (dominant) [ position] dominante, di comando3) (elevated) [ position] dominante* * *1) (impressive: He has a commanding appearance.) imponente2) (with a wide view: The house had a commanding position on the hill.) dominante* * *commanding /kəˈmɑ:ndɪŋ/a.2 imponente; dominante: a commanding presence, un aspetto imponente; to have a commanding lead, essere in testa a qc. ( sondaggio, classifica, ecc.)4 dominante; sovrastante; strategico: commanding spot, luogo prominente; altura; a commanding view, una veduta dall'alto; in a commanding position, in posizione dominante* * *[kə'mɑːndɪŋ] [AE -'mæn-]1) (authoritative) [look, manner, voice] imperioso, autoritario; [ presence] imponente2) (dominant) [ position] dominante, di comando3) (elevated) [ position] dominante -
17 saving
I 1. ['seɪvɪŋ]1) (reduction)a 5% saving — un risparmio del 5%
3) (conservation) risparmio m.2. 3.energy-, fuel-saving — che fa risparmiare energia, carburante
II ['seɪvɪŋ]labour-saving — [ system] che fa risparmiare lavoro e fatica
* * *noun (a way of saving money etc or the amount saved in this way: It's a great saving to be able to make one's own clothes.) risparmio* * *saving (1) /ˈseɪvɪŋ/a.1 che salva; che redime● (leg.) a saving clause, una riserva di legge; una clausola che stabilisce un'eccezione □ saving grace, buona qualità che salva q. (o che fa perdonare difetti, ecc.) □ (relig.) the saving grace of God, la grazia divina ( che salva l'anima).♦ saving (2) /ˈseɪvɪŋ/n.2 risparmio; economia: a 10% saving on the cost, un risparmio del 10% sul costo● ( banca, USA) savings account, conto di risparmio; conto di deposito fruttifero □ (fin.) savings and loan ( association), cooperativa di risparmiatori che concede mutui ai soci per l'acquisto o la costruzione di case □ savings bank, cassa di risparmio □ (fin.) savings bonds, buoni di risparmio □ (fin.) savings certificates, certificati di risparmio; buoni fruttiferi □ (econ.) savings market, mercato del risparmio □ ( banca) savings passbook, libretto di risparmio □ savings plan, piano di risparmio □ (fin.) savings rate, tasso di risparmio □ (econ., fin.) savings ratio, indice di risparmio ( rapporto tra il reddito disponibile e quello risparmiato) □ ( banca) savings scheme, piano di risparmio.saving (3) /ˈseɪvɪŋ/prep.eccetto; tranne; salvo* * *I 1. ['seɪvɪŋ]1) (reduction)a 5% saving — un risparmio del 5%
3) (conservation) risparmio m.2. 3.energy-, fuel-saving — che fa risparmiare energia, carburante
II ['seɪvɪŋ]labour-saving — [ system] che fa risparmiare lavoro e fatica
18 want
I [wɒnt]1) (need) bisogno m., esigenza f.3) (lack) mancanza f., insufficienza f.II 1. [wɒnt]for want of — in o per mancanza di, per insufficienza di
1) (desire) volereI want — (as general statement) io voglio; (would like) io vorrei
what o how much do you want for this chair? quanto vuole per questa sedia? I want the job finished vorrei che il lavoro fosse finito; I don't want to non ne ho voglia; to want sb. to do volere che qcn. faccia; they just don't want to know — non ne vogliono proprio sapere
several jobs want doing — BE ci sono diversi lavori da fare
"cook wanted" — "cercasi cuoco"
2.I know when I'm not wanted — scherz. capisco quando sono di troppo
to want for — mancare di, avere bisogno di
- want in- want out* * *[wont] 1. verb1) (to be interested in having or doing, or to wish to have or do (something); to desire: Do you want a cigarette?; She wants to know where he is; She wants to go home.) volere2) (to need: This wall wants a coat of paint.) (avere bisogno di)3) (to lack: This house wants none of the usual modern features but I do not like it; The people will want (= be poor) no longer.) occorrere; (vivere in miseria)2. noun1) (something desired: The child has a long list of wants.) desiderio2) (poverty: They have lived in want for many years.) miseria3) (a lack: There's no want of opportunities these days.) mancanza•- wanted- want ad
- want for* * *want /wɒnt/n.2 bisogno; necessità; esigenza; desiderio: (econ.) the satisfaction of human wants, il soddisfacimento dei bisogni umani; freedom from want, la libertà dal bisogno3 [u] indigenza; miseria; ristrettezze: They live in the direst want, vivono nella più squallida miseria● ( USA) want ad, annuncio economico ( offerta o richiesta di lavoro, ecc.) □ (leg.) want of evidence, mancanza di prove □ (leg.) want of jurisdiction, difetto di giurisdizione □ to be in want of, aver bisogno di; necessitare di: The house was in want of repair, la casa aveva bisogno di un restauro.♦ (to) want /wɒnt/A v. t.1 aver bisogno di; abbisognare di: What do you want?, di che cosa hai bisogno?; che cosa ti serve?; The car wants washing, l'automobile ha bisogno di una lavata; You're wanted in the kitchen, c'è bisogno di te (o ti vogliono) in cucina2 volere; desiderare molto: He wants to stay, vuole rimanere; I don't want him to come, non voglio che venga; He wants me to stay here, vuole che io resti qui; DIALOGO → - Considering an evening course- I've always wanted to learn French, ho sempre voluto imparare il francese; I want it done at once, voglio che lo si faccia subito; If you want anything done, ask him, se vuoi che qualcosa si faccia, chiedilo a lui; DIALOGO → - Ordering food 3- Do you want peas or carrots with that?, come contorno vuole i piselli o le carote?; DIALOGO → - Dinner 2- What do you want to drink?, che vuoi da bere?; He wants some coffee, desidera del caffè NOTA D'USO: - volere-3 (fam.) dovere (spec. al condiz.); bisognare, occorrere (impers.): You want to be more careful, dovresti stare più attento; You don't want to work so hard, non dovresti lavorare così; It wants to be done with the utmost care, bisogna farlo con la massima cura4 (generalm. al passivo) ( della polizia, ecc.) ricercare: He is wanted for questioning, lo ricercano per interrogarlo; He is wanted for murder, è ricercato per omicidioB v. i.● (fam.) to want it both ways, volere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca □ (fam.) to want some doing, volerci del bello e del buono □ not to want to know, non volerne sapere, disinteressarsene, infischiarsene.NOTA D'USO: - to want to do o to want doing?-* * *I [wɒnt]1) (need) bisogno m., esigenza f.3) (lack) mancanza f., insufficienza f.II 1. [wɒnt]for want of — in o per mancanza di, per insufficienza di
1) (desire) volereI want — (as general statement) io voglio; (would like) io vorrei
what o how much do you want for this chair? quanto vuole per questa sedia? I want the job finished vorrei che il lavoro fosse finito; I don't want to non ne ho voglia; to want sb. to do volere che qcn. faccia; they just don't want to know — non ne vogliono proprio sapere
several jobs want doing — BE ci sono diversi lavori da fare
"cook wanted" — "cercasi cuoco"
2.I know when I'm not wanted — scherz. capisco quando sono di troppo
to want for — mancare di, avere bisogno di
- want in- want out -
19 report
I 1. [rɪ'pɔːt]1) (written or verbal account) resoconto m., relazione f., rapporto m.5) BE scol. pagella f. (scolastica)6) (noise) detonazione f.2.nome plurale reports (unsubstantiated news)II 1. [rɪ'pɔːt]according to reports... — corre voce che...
to report [sth.] to sb. — riferire [qcs.] a qcn. [decision, news]
only one paper reported their presence in London — un solo giornale ha parlato della loro presenza a Londra
to be reported missing — essere dato per o dichiarato disperso
4) (allege)5) (make complaint about) fare rapporto contro; spreg. denunciare [ person]2.to report on — fare un resoconto di [talks, progress]; giorn. fare un servizio su [ event]
2) (present findings) [committee, group] fare rapporto3) (present oneself) presentarsito report to one's unit — mil. presentarsi al proprio reparto
to report to — essere agli ordini di [ superior]
•* * *[rə'po:t] 1. noun1) (a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: a child's school report; a police report on the accident.) rapporto2) (rumour; general talk: According to report, the manager is going to resign.) diceria, voce3) (a loud noise, especially of a gun being fired.) colpo, detonazione2. verb1) (to give a statement or description of what has been said, seen, done etc: A serious accident has just been reported; He reported on the results of the conference; Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border; His speech was reported in the newspaper.) raccontare, comunicare2) (to make a complaint about; to give information about the misbehaviour etc of: The boy was reported to the headmaster for being rude to a teacher.) segnalare3) (to tell someone in authority about: He reported the theft to the police.) denunciare4) (to go (to a place or a person) and announce that one is there, ready for work etc: The boys were ordered to report to the police-station every Saturday afternoon; Report to me when you return; How many policemen reported for duty?) presentarsi•- reporter- reported speech
- report back* * *I 1. [rɪ'pɔːt]1) (written or verbal account) resoconto m., relazione f., rapporto m.5) BE scol. pagella f. (scolastica)6) (noise) detonazione f.2.nome plurale reports (unsubstantiated news)II 1. [rɪ'pɔːt]according to reports... — corre voce che...
to report [sth.] to sb. — riferire [qcs.] a qcn. [decision, news]
only one paper reported their presence in London — un solo giornale ha parlato della loro presenza a Londra
to be reported missing — essere dato per o dichiarato disperso
4) (allege)5) (make complaint about) fare rapporto contro; spreg. denunciare [ person]2.to report on — fare un resoconto di [talks, progress]; giorn. fare un servizio su [ event]
2) (present findings) [committee, group] fare rapporto3) (present oneself) presentarsito report to one's unit — mil. presentarsi al proprio reparto
to report to — essere agli ordini di [ superior]
• -
20 advertise
['ædvətaɪz] 1.1) (for publicity) fare pubblicità a, reclamizzare [product, service]; annunciare, rendere noto [price, rate]2) (for sale, applications) mettere, (far) pubblicare un annuncio per [car, house, job, vacancy]3) (make known) segnalare [ presence]; palesare, manifestare [ignorance, weakness]2.1) (for sales, publicity) fare pubblicità2) (for staff) pubblicare un annuncio* * *(to make (something) known to the public by any of various methods: I've advertised (my house) in the newspaper; They advertised on TV for volunteers.) fare pubblicità, mettere un annuncio- advertiser* * *['ædvətaɪz] 1.1) (for publicity) fare pubblicità a, reclamizzare [product, service]; annunciare, rendere noto [price, rate]2) (for sale, applications) mettere, (far) pubblicare un annuncio per [car, house, job, vacancy]3) (make known) segnalare [ presence]; palesare, manifestare [ignorance, weakness]2.1) (for sales, publicity) fare pubblicità2) (for staff) pubblicare un annuncio
См. также в других словарях:
The Temple of The Presence — was established in 1995 by Carolyn Shearer and Monroe Shearer, after they received an Anointing to become Messengers for the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Cosmic Beings, Elohim, and Others of the Spiritual Hierarchy. [… … Wikipedia
The Practice of the Presence of God — is a text compiled by Father Joseph de Beaufort of the wisdom and teachings of Brother Lawrence, a 17th century Carmelite monk.It is a collection of his letters, and records made, by other participients in them, of his conversations. A constant… … Wikipedia
The Presence — can refer to:* The Presence phenomena, part of the Alternate Reality Game tie in for the Nine Inch Nails 2007 album, Year Zero . * The Presence, the supreme being of the DC Comics universe. * The Presence, the alias of the Marvel Comics character … Wikipedia
The Presence of the Lord Is Here — Infobox Single Name = The Presence of the Lord Is Here Artist = Byron Cage from Album = Released = Format = Recorded = 2003 Genre = Gospel/Praise Worship Length = Label = Gospocentric Writer = Producer = Kurt Carr Chart position = Reviews = Last… … Wikipedia
In the Presence of Mine Enemies — Infobox Book name = In the Presence of Mine Enemies title orig = translator = image caption = author = Harry Turtledove illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = subject = genre = Alternate history publisher … Wikipedia
In the Presence of Enemies — Song infobox Name = In the Presence of Enemies, Part 1 Format = CD Artist = Dream Theater Album = Systematic Chaos Released = 2007 track no = 1 Recorded = 2007 Genre = Progressive metal Length = 9:00 Label = Roadrunner Records Writer = John… … Wikipedia
Page of the Presence — A Page of the Presence is a courtier of the British Royal Household who acts as a personal attendant to Royal visitors. During events at Buckingham Palace (such as receptions, state visits, garden parties or investitures), they are positioned at… … Wikipedia
Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction — Infobox Album Name = Inevitable Collapse in the Presence of Conviction Type = studio Artist = Soilent Green Released = April 15 2008 Recorded = Mana Records, Florida Genre = Sludgecore Death metal Length = 41:25 Label = Metal Blade Records… … Wikipedia
In the Presence of a Clown — Infobox Film name = In The Presence of a Clown imdb id = 0119496 writer = Ingmar Bergman starring = Erland Josephson Börje Ahlstedt Marie Richardson Pernilla August Ingmar Bergman (uncredited) director = Ingmar Bergman producer = Måns Reuterswärd … Wikipedia
Presence (telepresence) — Presence = Presence is a theoretical concept describing the effect that people experience when they interact with a computer mediated or computer generated environment (Sheridan, 1994). Lombard and Ditton (1997) described presence as “an illusion … Wikipedia
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist — The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist In this article we shall consider: ♦ the fact of the Real Presence, which is, indeed, the central dogma; ♦ the … Catholic encyclopedia